What is APNs
Apple Push Notification service (APNs) is a cloud service that allows approved third-party apps installed on Apple devices to send push notifications from a remote server to users over a secure connection.
Firebase Cloud Messaging
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), formerly called Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), is a free cloud service from Google that allows app developers to send notifications and messages to users across a variety of platforms, including Android, IOS and Web Applications.
How to configure APNs in Firebase
- Generate a new APN Auth Key
- Upload APN Auth Key into Firebase messaging
How to Generate APN Auth Key
1. Open an Apple developer account

2. In Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, select Keys from the sidebar, then click the Add button (+) in the upper-left corner.

3. Under Key Description, enter a unique name for the key.
4. Under Capabilities, Enable APNs and click continue.

5. Review the key configuration, then click Register.

6. Download to generate and download the key.

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Upload APN Auth Key into Firebase messaging
- Goto Firebase and open project settings

2. Select Cloud Messaging tab
3. Upload .p8 key from Downloads
4. Enter Key ID & Team ID (You can find your Team ID in the Apple Member Center under the membership tab)
. . .
Congratulations! We are successfully created and uploaded your Apple APNS Key to your Firebase Certificate for iOS.